Advantage Austria Masterclass

Advantage Austria Masterclass

DFI, in partnership with Advantage Austria (WKO), conducted its first Masterclass for the year focusing on the topic of “International Financial Institutions (IFIs) Investments and Funding Trends in Infrastructure” on January 18, 2023.  DFI’s President and CEO, Emilio Bunge, led this Masterclass with over 10 Austrian companies – from the industry of hydropower, biogas, wastewater treatment, rails, and e-learning. DFI presented specific IFI-funded project opportunities to each firm for an on-hand application and were invited to share their questions and challenges for DFI to support. 

Advantage Austria is the trade promotion agency of the Government of Austria that focuses on supporting the export business of Austrian firms.  This is the 3rd Masterclass of an ongoing series in partnership with WKO.